eLearning – Moodle LMS Course Design Creation

Avasoft e-Learning Moodle

moodleMoodle is a powerful and versatile Learning Content Management System. It is open source therefore it can be used at no cost or license fee.

The very strengths of Moodle make system administration and course creation a bit daunting. Here at Avasoft we offer services to take the pain out of creating an online school or training center.

Our Service for eLearning – Moodle LMS Course Design
  • Consulting:

    We work with clients to ensure the pitfalls of setting up distance learning are avoided. There are many skills required and a great deal of knowledge is necessary to creat a successful school or training center. We offer advice and guidance to help clients meet their distance learning goals in a fraction of the time that would be the case if they attempted to do it on their own. Avoiding expensive mistakes and pitfalls is critical in setting up a successful online learning system.

  • Training:

    We can train individuals in various roles such as administrators, teachers and course creators. Different roles require a different set of permissions within the system. Course content can take many forms from simple text to multi-media presentations. We demystify the process of creating course resources and organizing these resources to creat professional courseware. Weather you are just one individual or a large company we can train you to use Moodle’s full potential.

  • Setup and Host Moodle:

    We can setup Moodle on our servers and host it for you. If you prefer we can remotely setup Moodle on your own servers. Either way you can have your learners access your courses from anywhere in the world. If you charge for your courses we can setup a payment gateway to allow you to charge learners when they register for course(s).

  • Moodle LMS Course Design Creation:

    If you would rather avoid creating your own courses we can do it for you. We can work with you to understand your exact specifications and goals for the course and creat the resources necessary to build your course. If you have some or all of the resources we can put them into lessons and quizzes for you.

  • Page/Theme Design:

    We can design the custom Moodle themes for your Moodle website to look any way you want it to look. If you have a separate Web site and you want it to have the same look and feel we can set that up for you.

  • Search Engine Optimization:

    If you need to attract paying customers that might be interested in taking your course(s) we can optimize your Web site or your Moodle site to get good page rankings when someone searches for a course. For example, if someone is searching for “Viking civalization”, we can use that as a keyword to optimize to make your site easily found. This can be a very effective way of attracting customers.

For more information call us at 239-567-9725

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Working with your team continues to be a good experience. Many thanks for that. They have been patient waiting for content on the current site. I hope it is not a problem that there is wait time on getting remaining content. -- Lori --