What People Say About Us


I wanted to email you both and let you know how pleased we’ve been with the way the new Mole Hole site is operating. We’ve been getting orders and they have come through without any problems at all. I’ve never had an eCommerce launch that went so seamlessly.

There have been a few little issues, but mostly because of things that my client didn’t notice or tell me that she wanted until after the site launch and you’ve taken care of them for me. There are a few more little things coming from her I believe, but nothing major.

Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of your and Wandi’s efforts and the rest of the team that helped on this project!!

Kudos all around and a huge THANK YOU!!

Lynda O’Mara

LOmara Internet Solutions, LLC

Guys, you are by far the best service provider I have dealt with. Fast, professional, and quality – I will be continuing to add new customers and use your services. Thanks.


This website is beautiful and most professional. Excellent work… my design has been implemented perfectly and your input and ideas were also great. I would recommend Avasoft to anyone is looking to redesign or improve the website for their business.

Atta Zaghloul, M.Sc.

That looks great. The client was impressed, especially how you chose the graphics, the retirement promotion and the poll. Thanks. Great job!


“…, this is by far the best website I have seen designed, managed, and developed. Your team is exceptional at getting changes made, promptness, accuracy, and have been by far the best team I have dealt with when it comes to getting work completed. I will definitely be using your team again in the future.”

Kevin Kemp, Ontario, Canada

Avasoft is awesome. I love their updates, easy to read and understand

Client from Canada

Thanks for all of your help. Everything seems to be working fine and the client is ecstatic with the site – he absolutely loves the e-commerce system.

You did a great job for us!


The Home Care web site is my top portfolio piece at the moment. The site looks beautiful, has excellent call to action items such as the online inquiry and the services buttons on the homepage. The customer began receiving online inquiries 24 hours after the site launched. She is a member of the Rotary Club and has been referring me to other members of the organization because of the quality of work you provided. Thank you again


Wow! This is amazing. I have never seen work like this from an SEO supplier. This is typically the stuff I have to do and then ask the supplier for help implementing. The fact that you taken the time to put this together makes me feel very good. There is no doubt that as long as this continues you will be my supplier of choice for all activities related to SEO type marketing. Great job


Dear friends,

I just want to take a few minutes to tell you that as always it is a pleasure dealing with you guys.

I have said it many times and will say it again, YOU are BY FAR the best Production Centre in the MarketPlace. Not only because of your knowledge and experience but more importantly, your unparalleled customer service and great attitude to us ICs.

You guys are always responsive, direct and effective, something you definitely cannot say about most of the other PCs.

Keep up the good work!!!

Bumi, you have done great in keeping the high quality and service standards that this PC has always had, and of course, my highest recognition to THE TEAM, you guys are just great to work with and always helpful, positive and a pleasure to deal with. BIG thumbs up to all of you guys.

I look forward to keep on working more intensely with you.

Again thanks for everything and my highest recognition to the team!



The level of service you provide me is the best among the 3 production centers where I build projects! Your prompt responses are excellent! Thanks for making this project easy!!


Thank you for your help! I am very very happy with AVAsoft, i look forward to future jobs, working together.


Working with your team continues to be a good experience. Many thanks for that. They have been patient waiting for content on the current site. I hope it is not a problem that there is wait time on getting remaining content.


P.S. the client is very happy with the site and it is getting a lot of positive feedback – thought you would like to know.

Gillian, Ireland

Further to my previous email, I would like to commend your team for an excellent job thus far. Your concept drafts are spot on and clearly reflect your abilities and professionalism to deliver great projects successfully. I am totally impressed with Avasoft and look forward to a long standing and mutually beneficial relationship.

Venky Jeyaraman

Perfect! You guys are awesome! You’re making my life so much easier. 🙂

Client in Texas, USA

“Fabulous, Thank you so much.

Avasoft, this effort is above and beyond and appreciated very much.

Congrats to your entire team. You folks are doing an outstanding job and I continue to bring all my new web builds your way.”


this is great you did exactly what was asked – an unfortunately rare occurrence amongst the production centres I deal with most often. I am very happy with this – please can it be integrated into the current site. Many thanks


Just wanted to let you know that my two clients are thrilled with their new websites. Thanks for all your help. Looking forward to working with you in the future.


Hi Everyone,

Our client loves the way the site works. He’s really excited – it’s just what he had envisioned.

This was his final comment: Overall, I’m thrilled with this!!! I need a chance to wring it out a little, but yahoo!



I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work and quick, thorough responses to our questions and issues. Very much appreciated and a big reason why we continue to give YOU a lot of our website business. I’m close to getting another one for you.



I just thought I would share our clients comments. Great work everyone:

OK I am sold.. Is there anything that you need from me regarding the questions being asked in the last paragraph? I am very please at the level of detail contained in the report.


Thank you very much. I will review all these with the client shortly. We so appreciate your responsiveness. I am sure the client will be very pleased. You folks are the best!



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Working with your team continues to be a good experience. Many thanks for that. They have been patient waiting for content on the current site. I hope it is not a problem that there is wait time on getting remaining content. -- Lori --