Ricky Lincoln


rickyL_bigRicky graduated from Gunadarma University majoring in “Information Technology”. Ricky Lincoln earned his Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Master degree in Management Information Systems. He started his career on 2013 in Avasoft as web developer.

For more than 4 year of experience in Web Programming and Mobile Application programming, he has developed his skill in PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Joomla, Semantic Web, Android and Java ME. With a desire to gain more knowledge, he will always give his best to support the Avasoft team.


HungryFEED can't get feed. Don't be mad at HungryFEED. SimplePie reported: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

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Working with your team continues to be a good experience. Many thanks for that. They have been patient waiting for content on the current site. I hope it is not a problem that there is wait time on getting remaining content. -- Lori --