Filia Dominica


filia_bigCertified as One of The Best Graduated Students of 2003 with GPA 3.72 (out of 4.00) from Bina Nusantara University majoring in Information Technology, Filia decided to pursue her childhood dream career as a graphic designer.

Her great passion in design leads her in experiencing vast type of design, such as: printing and branding, illustration, pixel animation, flash animation, and web design.

Through her seven years experience in design field, Filia has developed her skill in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Freehand, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Illustration, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In 2008, she has won an award in Personal Website categories.

Filia’s Portfolios

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Working with your team continues to be a good experience. Many thanks for that. They have been patient waiting for content on the current site. I hope it is not a problem that there is wait time on getting remaining content. -- Lori --